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What To Do If Your Trees Suffer Storm Damage

damaged tree

Storm season is coming. In East Tennessee, tornadoes are most common during the month of April, which will be here before we know it. If the trees on your property experience storm damage, you have to decide whether the trees can be saved. Sometimes, homeowners act too rashly after storm damage, and trees are removed that actually could have been saved. Your Kingsport tree care experts at Promier Tree want to help by providing this guide on what you should do if your trees suffer storm damage.

Safety is your top priority

Approach any obviously damaged tree with caution. If the tree is near downed power lines, call 911 right away. If any large branches are hanging or under obvious tension, call certified tree arborists such as Promier Tree for assistance instead of trying to handle the tree by yourself.

Evaluate the health of the tree

If there is no hazard due to the tree damage, you see no obvious structural damage, and the tree appears to be healthy, then good news! Your tree should recover provided you or a tree professional like the experts at Promier Tree provide “first aid” for it in a timely manner. Your tree will have a more difficult time recovering from storm damage if a large limb has been damaged or broken. If the majority of the main branches have been broken, there is a very low chance that your tree can survive. A good guide to follow when determining if a tree can be saved is the “50 percent rule.” In other words, if less than half of a tree’s branches are left following a storm, the tree probably will not be able to produce enough nutrients to survive another winter.

What branches are still there?

Even the significant loss of branches can be overcome if there are remaining branches located in places that can fill out the appearance of the tree. After a storm, any remaining branches and limbs on your tree will begin to grow more quickly and vigorously, helping the tree attempt to replace the lost foliage. Look to see if branches are in places that can eventually fill out the tree’s appearance.

Do you know what the leader is? This refers to the major upward-trending branch in any tree. For most species of tree, the loss of this branch will leave the tree stunted or deformed. If you are not sure where the leader branch is on your tree, have one of the professionals at Promier Tree come out to evaluate.

Size matters

Just as a person or animal has more difficulty healing from larger wounds, your trees face the same challenge. Large wounds also can become entry points for animals, insects, and diseases.

Emergency storm damage services in Johnson City

Determining whether or not a tree can be saved is a big decision. It is understandable to seek a second opinion or the advice of a professional before having a tree removed. Promier Tree is ready and waiting to help. We can conduct an evaluation of your tree to see if it can be saved or should be removed. If your tree is able to recover, we can provide treatment or pruning to help aid the healing process. Promier Tree also has 24/7 emergency services. If a falling tree or tree branch blocks a driveway or access road, or damages your vehicle, home or business, we are on call to come out and provide immediate assistance in any type of weather-related emergency.

Promier Tree also can perform maintenance now, before storm season arrives in full swing, which may lower your risk of storm damage to your trees. If your trees have suffered storm damage in Kingsport, call our office at (423) 872-2988 to schedule a free consultation on site with one of our certified arborists.

Promier Tree is here to serve commercial and residential customers in the areas of Kingsport, Johnson City, and Bristol, Tennessee.
